Modern systems of television settlement and GPS monitoring аutomobile transport and spe-cial equipment
Problem. The increased cost pas lyvo lubricants, control their use is becoming increasingly important. Now on the market of transport monitoring systems are many proposals. They can not only display information about location, routes and speed, but also being connected to a variety of standard and special sensors transmit telemetric information on the work vehicle or machinery. Goal. Improving operational traffic management, increase efficiency of cars, saving money for the maintenance of rolling stock organization, raising the level of production discipline in the enterprise. Determining the coordinates of the location of the vehicle, its direction, speed and other parameters such as fuel consumption, temperature and others. Metodology. The analysis of the existing tele-dispatch systems has been carried out. Proposed Universal system for use on special equipment. Conducted an experimental study of the system. Proven system performance. Determined the impact of system implementation. Results. Considering the reasons for the increase in transport costs, we believe that it is the construction of a comprehensive system of management, transport and expeditionary enterprise eliminates the disadvantages of controlling the organization of work and will help to highlight the main priorities for development. The GPS transport control system reveals the real potential of any motor transport company. An automated accounting method based on a GPS monitoring system will significantly save costs and increase the company's profitabil-ity. Originality. Existing electronic modules on a modern element base have been used to provide a wide range of functionality. This allowed the creation of a unified unit, which installed on various types of vehicles. For more effective control of the use of fuel and lubricants at gas stations and mobile fuel service stations, we propose the use of a personalized fuel delivery system. Practical value. GPS modules installed on company vehicles allow you to constantly monitor the movement of your vehicle. This fixes all unplanned deviations from the planned route of the car, unplanned stops (time and place). At the same time, all data on the movement of cars is stored, available for viewing, analysis and formation of various reports.
Key words:
teledispatching systems, GPS monitoring, location determination, fuel consumption control, GSM communication channel, tracking system.
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Devlin, Ger J., McDonnella, K. and Warda, S. (2007) „Timber haulage routing in Ireland: an analysis using GIS and GPS Journal of Transport Geography (accessed: 26.03.2007).
Michaelides R., Liu K. and Jervis S. (2008), e-solutions enabling growth in the transport industry: Case study of a real-time Tracking Management System, LRN Annual conference, Liverpool, (accessed: 25.09.2008).
Mc Kinnon, A.C. and Ge, Y. (2004), „Use of a synchronised vehicle audit to determine opportunities for improving transport efficiency in a supply chain, International Journal of Logistics: Research and applications, 7 (3), (accessed: 16.08.2004).
Godha S. & Cannon M. E. (2007). GPS/MEMS INS integrated system for navigation in urban areas. GPS Solutions, 11(3), 193-203. (accessed: 13.11.2007).
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Copyright (c) 2021 Георгій Сергійович Сєріков, Михайло Павлович Щербак
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