Analysis of the nonstationarity of the original signal of the measuring channel of the crowding of technically complex objects


  • Андрій Олександрович Коваль Kharkov National Automobile and Highway Uni-versity, Ukraine
  • Сергій Володимирович Мінка Kharkov National Automobile and Highway Uni-versity, Ukraine



Problem. Technically complex facilities such as nuclear, thermal, hydroelectric and the like occupy an important place in industrial production. Their main feature is that they operate continuously and to control technological processes as well as diagnose their technical condition using multi-parameter spatially distributed measuring information systems. In general, the output signal of such measuring systems is stationary. But in the process of dynamically changing the load on the object, its technological regimes also change. This leads to the appearance of nonstationarity of the output signals of the measuring systems. In this case, the stationarity interval is reduced from tens of minutes to hundreds of milliseconds. At the input of control systems and diagnostics received measurement data that are non-stationary in nature. This is especially true for pressure measuring channels. Thus, there is the problem of eliminating the non-stationarity of the output signals of the pressure measuring channels. At present, the main method of eliminating nonstationarity in pressure measuring channels is the method of averaging output signals over the entire time interval of measurements. But this in turn leads to an increase in inertia and a decrease in the accuracy of control and diagnostic systems. In addition, there appear "dead" zones in the robot of diagnostic systems as a result of smoothing peaks and steps in the output signals of object measurement information systems. All this together requires the search for more effective methods of eliminating the non-stationarity of the output signals of multi-parameter spatially distributed measuring information systems of technically complex objects. Purpose. Analysis of the nonstationarity of the output signal of the pressure channel to improve the accuracy and reliability of pressure measurements due to preliminary statistical processing in the measurement process. Methodology. The analytical method is the method of statistical processing of large data arrays of current measurements. The analysis methods are the analysis of the signal in the time and frequency obdastiah. Result. The analysis of the nonstationarity of the output signal of the pressure channel using Data Mining technology has allowed us to develop a method for searching large amounts of current measurements of unobvious, objective patterns, periodicities, trends, stationarity intervals, as well as checking them on new measuring kits. Original. The developed method of eliminating the nonstationarity of the output signal of the pressure measuring channel can be implemented in object intellectual measuring information systems. Its use in the process of current pressure measurements allows to reduce the dynamic error and, thereby, increase the reliability of measurements. Practical value. The obtained results of the analysis of the nonstationarity of the output signal of the pressure measuring channel can be used in the modeling and design of measuring information systems of technically complex objects.

Keywords: pressure measuring channel; non-stationary signal; technological process; technically complex object.

Author Biographies

Андрій Олександрович Коваль, Kharkov National Automobile and Highway Uni-versity

Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. Department Metrology and Life Safety

Сергій Володимирович Мінка, Kharkov National Automobile and Highway Uni-versity

Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. Department Metrology and Life Safety


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How to Cite

Коваль, А. О., & Мінка, С. В. (2022). Analysis of the nonstationarity of the original signal of the measuring channel of the crowding of technically complex objects. Vehicle and Electronics. Innovative Technologies, (14), 4–11.

