Electric car as an important element for transport infrastructure development
Problem. Transport is one of the most important branches for functioning of any state. The land road transport carries the main load when moving freights and passengers, especially for short distances. This is due to its convenient use and a developed network of road facilities. At the same time, the automotive industry includes a significant number of other related industries. Recently, however, ecologic issues and limited energy resources and raw materials have been considered the first ones. In this regard, the world initiatives and national legislation strictly regulate the norms of harmful emissions, both in general and territorially (separate "clean" cities, regions). All this stimulates the widespread distribution of vehicles with electric drive. In addition to the production of electric cars and cars with hybrid power plants, the development of this industry also stimulates the development of other industries: electronics, "clean" energy and others. Goal. At the same time, the possibility of applying automatic, intelligent systems and logistics is increasing in transport. The introduction of electric vehicles changes the balance of industries, and also seriously affects the activities of daily society living. However, the wide distribution of electric vehicles has several disadvantages or limitations in addition to positive factors. Therefore, for the successful development of this industry, including the territory in Ukraine, it is necessary to consider electric vehicles as an element of a comprehensive system of a common infrastructure, while clarifying the links between the elements of the structure and their possible variations. Methodology. From the point of a system analysis, the communication structure in the operation of electric transport is to be considered, which is closely related to the development of technologies and charging complexes infrastructure. Results. This article examines the current issues and prospects for the introduction of electric vehicles in the world and the implementation features for Ukraine, it considers the complex interaction of electric vehicles with such areas in the society as: politics, society, technology, infrastructure, economics and ecology. The factors limiting the wide development of this industry are considered: objective and subjective, possible options for their elimination. Practical value. The article is for specialists in the field of production, operation of vehicles, transport economy, energy and ecology, and it can also be useful for people who are interested in advanced and ecological types of transport.Key words:
electric car; hybrid; plug-in hybrid; car with zero level of polluting emissions (ZPE); fuel cells (fuelcell); traction battery (TB); electric charging station (ECHS).
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