The use of intellectual agents in the tasks of information exchange between vehicles
To date, one of the ways to improve the efficiency of traffic management is the development of intelligent systems and telecommunications technologies. This approach allows us to create a system in which vehicles, when connected to a common information environment, have the opportunity to exchange current information with each other and other elements of the transport infrastructure. Implement this approach with the help of multi-agent systems. Modern technologies such as Car2Car and Vehicle-to-Vehicle include various electronic vehicle systems, such as electronic vehicle control units, GPS receivers, wireless communication modules and must provide information exchange between road users. Problem: This task, among other things, requires the development of special software (software). Such software should automatically transmit information from the car, receive the necessary information from other vehicles and objects of transport infrastructure and inform the driver about the traffic situation. To solve this problem, you can use the technology of multi-agent systems. This approach is based on the use of special autonomous individuals - agents (agents) integrated into the system. The agent here is a program that is autonomous, capable of performing independent actions in accordance with a given goal. Goal: Determination of the intelligent agent architecture for solving problems of information interaction between vehicles. Methodology: The article considers the question of constructing an intelligent agent that has the ability to take influence from the outside world and from their own kind, to form their reaction to this influence and to carry out this reaction, acting either on its own behalf or on behalf of the user delegating the agent the authority to perform those or other actions. Result: The ability to create intelligent is shown. The questions connected with the peculiarity of the organization of interaction between intellectual agents are considered. Originality: Use of an agent-based approach to solve the problem of information interaction between vehicles. Practical value: The possibility of implementing this technology to address the issues of traffic management.
Keywords: intelligent agent; vehicle; information exchange; Car2Car; agent-oriented programming.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Сергей Викторович Пронин

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